Issue Position: Quality Education From Early Childhood To Higher Education.

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2016
Issues: Taxes Education

* We must maintain direct local engagement in school planning and governance, incentivize (not mandate) transformative planning, and protect smaller schools in rural areas that still provide high quality education and other critical services.

* Investing in schools is investing in the heart of our communities. With a progressive tax system that ensures corporations and wealthy are paying their fair share, we can reduce the tax burden related to education for many Vermonters while providing the needed funding for healthy and vibrant school environments.

* College students should not graduate in debt. Since the 1980s, Vermont has continued to dis-invest in higher education. Our state ranks 49th in the nation for state fiscal support for education and training after high school. We can change this by reinvesting in higher educational and other training opportunities that equip young adults with the skills needed to thrive in our economy and avoid entry into the criminal justice system. Together, we can make higher education more affordable in Vermont.
